Franklin County Urging Missourians To Take COVID-19 Virus Seriously

Franklin County Presiding Commissioner Tim Brinker issued a statement on Tuesday urging all Missourians to take the COVID-19 virus seriously.

Having just finished conversations with our St Louis regional health leaders and political leaders, it is absolutely hyper critical that all Missourians adhere to the recommendations regarding ALL aspects of mitigating the virus,” Brinker said. “The healthcare system of the St. Louis region is currently days away from being left with making the grave choice of who gets treated and who gets put on hold while in critical care need.”

Brinker said the facts “are indeed telling and the numbers do not lie.” He is urging everyone to wear a mask in public and make conscious choices to mitigate the spread.

Parents tell your children, children remind your parents, help our elders stay safeIf you are sick stay Home! If you can work from home, do it!” Brinker said. “The virus is our enemy! This is war! Take personal responsibility now!!!!!

Brinker also announced the county has contracted with MAXIMUS Federal Services, Inc., to provide additional contract tracing and case management. 

“The contract will provide much needed relief to our already stressed health department,” he said. “Included will be 10 contact tracers, supervisory and operations personnel, data entry and 5 case managers.”

The cost is $363,993.

New Cases

There were 109 new cases reported on Tuesday, a new single-day high.

Franklin County is up to 3,589 cases and the 10-day rolling total is 664.

The number of cases in long-term care facilities rose to 73.

Twenty-two people are hospitalized.

Testing data was unavailable.

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